Mammut Sports Group AG, Memmingen
The European logistics centre in Memmingen uses renewable energy for heating and cooling. The energy centre comprises three Viessmann brine/water heat pumps which utilise the natural heat from the groundwater.

High quality outdoor equipment for nature-loving customers
Mammut Sports Group AG is one of the most renowned manufacturers of high quality outdoor equipment and sets store by top quality that can cope even with the most arduous expeditions, such as to Mount Everest or the North Pole. As a company whose customer base has a close affinity with nature, Mammut similarly sought to make full use of natural heat from groundwater when choosing its energy system.
European logistics centre
Covering an area roughly the size of one and a half football pitches, the sheer scale of the new European logistics centre is impressive in itself. From here, more than 100 employees direct supplies for the company's own flagship stores and retail outlets. Even though the bulk of the covered area of 150,000 cubic metres is taken up by a fully automated high-bay warehouse, offices, showroom and dispatch areas still have to be supplied with comfortable levels of heat and hot water. To achieve this, the company has opted for a Viessmann renewable energy system comprising brine/water heat pumps.
Engineering firm Schöötz from Dietmannsried took advantage of the site's favourable location in the middle of the Illertal and secured approval from the authorities to extract water by means of two pumps. The entire building can thus be heated with three heat pumps. And in summer it is possible to cool the premises down to pleasant temperatures.

Renewable energy system consisting of brine/water heat pumps from Viessmann
Three heat pumps with a total heating output of 450 kW were installed in the company's heating centre in Memmingen. The units came largely pre-assembled from standard production and were quickly installed by the Memmingen-based contractor Alois Müüller.
The Vitocal 300-G / Vitocal 300-G Pro brine/water heat pumps extract the heat contained in the groundwater from wells up to 60 metres deep and raise it to a flow temperature of 50 °C. The heat is distributed to the rooms via the ceilings and floor in various ways: the showroom and other functional rooms on the ground floor are equipped with underfloor heating. Radiant ceiling panels heat the large picking and dispatch areas. The offices are supplied by a ventilation system installed in the suspended ceiling.
In winter, the large windows enable incident solar energy to be utilised; in summer, the only power required to cool the building is that needed to run the pumps for circulating the cold groundwater. Energy efficient structural components contribute to the fact that during spring and autumn, only the Vitocal 300-G with 28 kW output is required to supply the office block with heat.
Mammut Sports Group AG manufactures its products with due care for people and the environment. So it was entirely in keeping with this corporate image that the company should opt to install in its new European logistics centre a highly efficient, climate friendly energy system that would minimise heating costs while also conserving natural resources.