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How to find the right heating system installer

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Heating engineer with pipe wrench in hand
(Bild: © A._and_I._Kruk / Shutterstock.com)

A heating appliance does not consist solely of mechanical components. It also contains software that makes the appliance what it is –– a highly efficient, complete and adjustable heating system that can even be controlled remotely.

For software and hardware to work together properly, correct configuration is essential. This work is usually carried out by a heating system installer. Once installation is complete, the commissioning follows. The heating system is then prepared for start-up. This work should also be carried out by a heating system installer. Last but not least, the heat contractor may also take care of the maintenance of the installed system and thus ensure its reliable operation in the long term.

Advisory role of the heating system installer

The scope of a heating system installer's work usually extends beyond the manual aspects of the trade. Although colloquially used, the term "installer" does not quite cover everything. In technical jargon, the correct term is a heating, ventilation and air conditioning contractor, or HVAC contractor for short. After all, this is also your first point of contact when purchasing a heating system. Thanks to their professional training and experience, they are up to speed on the latest heating and sanitation technologies and can quickly say which heating technology is most suitable for which building. Last but not least, they can help with applications for government subsidies and thus reduce acquisition costs.

Reasons for choosing a certified trade partner

A new heating system is a long term investment that should be carefully considered and planned. In addition to your own research, an expert consultation is essential for the first steps. You will then learn what options are available, how economic efficiency can be ensured, what the approximate cost may be and more. If you already know which energy sources are suitable for you, you can also search for heating system installers or HVAC contractors according to their specialisation. It is not uncommon for heating contractors to have in-depth knowledge in a specific field.

Rely on certified heating system installers

Qualifications are an important aspect when choosing a heating system installer. After all, like in other industries, there are well trained and very well trained installers. In order to ensure that your contractor has the necessary skills, it is advisable to rely on HVAC trade partners who work with renowned manufacturers. With Viessmann trade partners, you are definitely on the safe side.

How to find the right heating system installer near you

Finding a suitable heating system installer near you is easy – with our Local partner search. You can choose between:

  • Heating contractors
  • Photovoltaic contractors
  • Design engineers and engineering consultancies
  • Manufacturers of prefabricated/traditional houses

HVAC contractors are usually easy to reach by phone. This is particularly useful if your heating system suddenly gives up the ghost. Ideally, the HVAC contractor will not be based too far from your home so that faults can be rectified on site as quickly as possible. If your heating system is connected and registered via Vitoconnect using the ViCare app, you can also give your chosen contractor access to it. They can then monitor your system remotely and intervene if necessary, before a fault occurs. Connection via the ViCare app also adds one significant advantage –– a full five year guarantee. For more information, see the ViCare app page.

As already mentioned, a heating contractor with a specialisation is nothing unusual. If you want to convert to a new pellet boiler, for example, you should contact a contractor who specialises in this area. For power-generating heat generators, it is advisable to contact contractors with certification for CHP units and/or fuel cell heating appliances. They are the experts in their field.

Heating system technology has improved steadily over recent decades. In some areas, complexity has increased too. Qualified heating system installers are fully aware of this and undergo regular training. This means that they are always up to date on the latest heating system technology and can install advanced heating systems correctly and quickly. You can find well-informed and highly trained heating contractors in the list of Viessmann trade partners and other places.

Regardless of whether it is a question of disassembling old components or laying new pipes, qualified heating contractors listen to customers, take their wishes into account and carry out work by the agreed date. If a deadline is in danger of being missed, customers are informed immediately.

Finding a heating system installer in times of crisis

A qualified HVAC contractor not only has the necessary expertise, but also the flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to new and unusual situations. Contractors are supported in their work by the political framework, the relevant trade association (ZVSHK) and Viessmann. 

There is no doubt that heating system contractors play an important role in society. Politicians have now also recognised this by officially designating HVAC contractors as system-relevant. Aside from a few special regulations* specific to individual German states, this designation means that they may continue to offer and carry out their services. 

*Ideally contact your state government for more information

For most heating system contractors in Germany, the Sanitation, Heating and Air Conditioning Association (ZVSHK) is the first point of contact. The association in turn keeps HVAC contractors informed and provides tips on how heating system installers and other skilled tradesmen can protect themselves on site. In practice, this means increased protective and hygiene measures primarily aimed at protecting their health and that of their clients. 

Viessmann supports its trade partners and, in turn, end customers in a number of ways. Our production capacity, for example, is still largely intact. Our ability to deliver is also still guaranteed. Previous sales representatives and service contacts for heating contractors can still be reached as before. Digital services such as the online ordering system, spare part app and ViGuide are functioning without restrictions. For heating contractors and end customers, this means that everything is still more or less the same.

Aside from increased protective and hygiene measures, the process remains the same. Proceed as described above and Viessmann will refer you to a qualified heating system contractor. In order to avoid unnecessarily endangering your health or that of your heating contractor, please pay attention to the following (if the contractor themselves does not raise these aspects):

  • Inform your preferred heating system contractor in advance about the state of your health. If you feel unwell, postpone the appointment.
  • Ask your heating system contractor if you can make a cashless payment and sign any documents afterwards.
  • Ensure regular ventilation in confined spaces.
  • It is best to leave windows open while work is being carried out.
  • Ensure your heating contractor can wash their hands regularly.
  • If that's not possible, inform them in advance so that they can prepare for the situation accordingly.

Every cloud has a silver lining and even a crisis may benefit some end customers. This is because general uncertainty can also mean that heating contractors have more capacity than usual. If you were intending to modernise your heating system anyway, this might be the best time to do it.

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